Songs tend to originate in some Nashville/LA factory with the glossy coating shaped by a countless number of “pros”. The writers upon engineers upon co-writers upon writers upon stylists pass these song-objects down a huge manufacturing line and then watch the dollar signs flash. The song (that you’ve heard before) enters the public consciousness, launches a career or two, and then vanishes into oblivion. The throw-away culture strikes again.
There are other songs, though, that come from craftsmen, like the characters you see working away at some Americana exhibit creating relics of an unknown past. These song craftsmen create works that are plucked from the air, like lightning bugs destined for an old Mason jar. The songs of these artists become polished like the ancient stones in the Flat River. These songs come wrapped in brown paper with an old twine ribbon. These songs come from the soul and etch themselves into your fabric.
Josh Rose is one of these craftsmen.
Josh grew up in the northern woodlands and fine tuned his songwriting in the borderlands. He has spent the past ten years touring the Midwest, teaching, writing, and creating a rich body of work. Josh is the type of writer who labors over every word and wants his songs to be injected into the listener’s permanent being.
After his three previous studio albums; Firework Letdown (2005) Slow Bloom (2007), and Old Laminate (2014); Josh is more than pleased to bring you Foreverland (2023). Now available on Apple Music.